Have you ever felt irritable or depressed? If so, it may be because of your hearing. Many people don't realize this, but your hearing can significantly impact your mood. In fact, research has shown that improving your hearing can actually improve your mood by altering your brain chemistry. If you feel like this could be the cause of your emotional issues, it's important to have your hearing checked as soon as possible. 

In this blog post, we will discuss the connection between mood and hearing by first explaining what causes us to feel irritable or depressed in the first place. Then we'll look at how a person's brain chemistry can be changed depending on their environment, including both sound frequency and volume levels. We'll also explain why you should consider having your hearing checked if you experience these symptoms regularly – even though they may not seem related!

Hearing Loss Connection to Depression

The first step to understanding the connection between mood and hearing is to understand how hearing loss can lead to depression. One of the most common ways that people experience hearing loss is through age-related damage to the ear. As we get older, our ability to hear high-frequency sounds decreases, making it harder for us to distinguish certain words or tones. This can be frustrating and isolating, leading many seniors to feel depressed and isolated

In addition to age-related changes, there are other causes of hearing loss that can lead to depression. For example, loud noises can cause permanent damage to the ear over an extended period of time, leading to a higher risk of depression.

However, hearing loss in itself is not necessarily enough to lead someone with depression into a state of severe emotional distress. The key factor determining whether or not people will be affected by hearing loss is their environment and how they interact.

Hearing Health and Mood: What's Going on In Your Brain?

It may seem odd at first glance but improving your ability to hear certain frequencies can actually alter your brain chemistry significantly – for better or worse! In fact, there have been several studies done over the years which have found links between sound frequency levels and neurotransmitters such as dopamine serotonin. Dopamine has been shown to increase in response to positive stimuli, such as music, while serotonin is often released in response to negative experiences, such as exposure to loud noises.

This means that the environment you are exposed to on a regular basis can significantly impact your mood. For example, if you work in a factory where the noise level is constantly high, it's likely that your serotonin levels will be chronically low. This can lead to feelings of depression and irritability. Alternatively, if you regularly listen to calming music or natural sounds, your dopamine levels may be higher than usual – leading to increased feelings of happiness and well-being!

Mental Health Can Be Affected by The Resistance to Using Hearing Aids

In addition to understanding how hearing loss can lead to depression, it's essential for us to understand why some people are resistant to using a hearing aid. In many cases, this is because of anxiety about being judged by others – especially those who have not been exposed to the situation themselves.

This is an understandable fear that has its roots in previous experiences with judgment or shaming from our peers and family members. For example, if you were told as a child that wearing glasses made you look nerdy, then it's likely your brain may associate similar feelings with wearing a hearing aid as an adult. This means that even if someone notices change in their mood upon getting fitted for their first set of aids, they will often choose not to return them because they fear being judged or laughed at by their friends and family.

In addition to this, there are also cases where people don't understand what a hearing aid actually does for them. In many cases, they may view it as a way of cheating instead of simply using the tools available to improve their quality of life in a more naturalistic fashion.

Your Mood Can Be Improved Just by Having Your Ears Checked!

Hearing loss is an all-too-common problem that affects thousands – if not millions of Americans every day. If you feel like you need to have your hearing checked by a hearing instrument specialist, or even just get some expert advice on hearing problems you may be experiencing, feel free to contact us to learn more about Salyer Hearing Center. Contact us today at Sylva: 828-586-7474, Franklin: 828-524-5599 and Murphy: 828-835-1014.