An audiologist is someone that has spent some of their medical career specializing in all things to do with hearing and the ear. They can diagnose, treat, evaluate and help you to manage hearing loss, but they can also practice on newborns, children and the elderly. They are there to be referred to by your primary care physician in the instance that you have discovered that you are experiencing hearing loss.

Expert advice

Your audiologist can give you some sound advice about hearing loss, communication issues, therapies for those with emotional consequences of hearing loss, tinnitus help, balance issues, wax build-up and hearing tests. They can also give you advice on the best hearing device to use for your hearing loss and how often you should get some help.

Hearing tests

An audiologist is the right professional to assist you with your hearing tests. An audiogram is performed – it’s a graph depicting how well each ear is performing. During your hearing tests, you will be asked to press a button when you hear a sound. This will plot on the audiogram, allowing your audiologist to see how severe the hearing loss is.

Tinnitus help

Hearing loss isn’t the only reason for seeing an audiologist. Those who are suffering from the incurable – and sometimes debilitating – condition of tinnitus will also see an audiologist. Tinnitus is usually a symptom of a bigger issue, and your audiology assessment can help you to ascertain whether there is an underlying disease that you need to deal with.

Available hearing care products

After you have undergone a series of audiology screening tests, your audiologist can help you to understand the available products on the market that can help your hearing and recommend to you what is suitable for your circumstances. It can take time to find the right product to help your hearing, but your audiologist will work with you to come up with the best solution to the issue you are having.

Fitting your hearing devices

Your audiologist will be able to work with you to fit the right hearing aids or implants to your hearing. Your hearing aids should be styled to fit your exact hearing loss, and they will take you through follow-up appointments to ensure that your hearing aid continues to work correctly.

Wax removal services

If your hearing loss is due to a build-up of wax in the ear, your audiologist can assist you with getting rid of it. They are able to safely remove it, as you shouldn’t be sticking anything into your ear without professional training. They may use micro-suction or they could choose to irrigate the wax to remove it gently from the ear canal. There are so many issues that can occur within the ear canal due to a blockage, so the earlier you get it fixed, the better off you will feel.

Your audiologist is able to reassure you of your future now that you are getting the right help, so it pays to ensure that you are having your scheduled appointments.